Thursday, 16 July 2009

Kerry Katona using Time Line Therapy!

I was in the supermarket yesterday when i spotted:

"Kerry has bizarre time travel treatment to stop her bingeing!"

Closer Magazine 18-24 July'09

Singer, Kerry is using Time Line Therapy to clear her troubled past and her yoyo weight.

Time Line Therapy i use with virtually every client with amazing success. Whether it be to clear negative emotions from the past or limiting beliefs that are holding them back.

It can also be used for creating goals that actually happen and clear phobias.

If you wish to be trained in Time Line Therapy or have a 121 session to experience it then go here now: Time Line Therapy Info

For those that also wish to clear past life, genealogical patterns and Karma issues then Time Line Therapy is brilliant.

Go on, give it a go now! 0845 260 2567

Jo xx

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Fast Change...Yes, Please!

I spoke to a lady this morning who had 40 years of being told she was stupid.
She had chosen to believe this story.
So is it possible to change this belief and how quickly?

Well, it doesn't matter how long you have been playing out a pattern of behaviour as the unconscious mind doesn't differentiate with how long it has had a specific instruction. All it knows is the instruction given to it and to carry it out.
Huh, so if you have been told and chosen to believe you are stupid yesterday, or 40 years ago it would be just as easy to change? Yes.

With various techniques that i use it is that easy. You assess the computer of the unconscious mind and change the programme from i believe im stupid to im good at what i do. Or what ever new programme you chose to run.
20 minutes programme changed!

It can be challenging for people sometimes to believe a pattern of behaviour or belief that has been causing them so much pain and grief for years can be changed that easily.

I recently had a client arrive at my house to help change his eating habits. When he arrived he saw my dog and at that point could not enter the house as he had a fear of dogs, a dog phobia.
So, i put the dog in the kitchen and closed the door. He came in, i worked my magic with him and 15 minutes later the dog came out of the kitchen and he was relaxed and calm with the dog. Dog Phobia gone for good! I recently received an email from him telling me he was fencing his garden as he was buying a dog for his kids!
Now, he'd, had this phobia for 35 years, since he was bitten by a dog when he was 7 years old.

It doesnt really matter whether its a dog phobia, or other phobias, beliefs, behaviours they are easy and fast to change.

So, to clear unwanted habits and behaviours contact me through the website:
or email:

Happy Living :-) xx

Friday, 3 July 2009

Loving more traffic to the website!

Im so excited today as my good friend Colin has agreed to share his secrets of online success!

How to Drive Traffic to YOUR Website 1 day workshop with your computer!

Loving it! Check it out now by clicking HERE

See you there!

Money from an empty box?

One of the largest houses in Richmond is owned by a man who made a fortune from empty box's!

Who would have thought so much money could be made from air!

Yes, he amassed a fortune from the Big Yellow Storage Company.

With today's financial challenges, i wonder will he be a winner of loser? Probably busier!
So i ask, which niche can you create which wasn't there until you created it, yet the demand is high?
Love Jo xx

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Starring at Onelifelive!

Branding, branding, branding!!!!

As stars personal branding is key to your success.
So the last few weeks i have been preparing for the Onelifelive exhibition at Olympia.
The UKs largest personal development show.
Visit my and experience the new fresh face of my brand launch!

For show price only deals visit Jo Ward Stand N54

Book your tickets now: and mention stand N54 for reduced price tickets!

See you there!

Jojo Sparkles!

Monday, 9 February 2009

Star Burnout!

So many stars suffer from burn out. When you look at high profile stars in the media such as Britney Spears is can be with horrendous consequences for the star and family and friends around.
I have also experienced burn out myself many times. Hence i am now an expert in experiencing it, recovery and changes for now and the future!

So what is burn out?
As a star you will probably know it as when you just dont want to go out any more, you feel exhausted and drained. Even the things and people you love to spend time with and of course talking "to" as stars do, you just cant be bothered, you just dont have the energy for. You feel your fire and your light has gone out. Well this is exactly what has happened.

When you look at the energetics of the body, as a star we have high fire energy. When a fire burns brightly it glows and everyone is attracted and drawn to it. Unfortunatley eventually if you do not recharge your batteries, your internal fire appropriately then burn out can be the consequence.
I now head the warning signs: friends say: "are you ok, you seem to have lost your sparkles," the shine in my cheeks looks dull, my breathing shallows as i struggle for air to restoke the fire, my passion for my passions, or my wood for my fire feels just too much like hardwork.

So how do you reshine once again?

Walks in nature, nurturing good healthy light wholesome food, sleep, breathing excercises, let others support you and take a load off your back by doing the work out of your profile.
For being out of profile is a sure fireway! to burn out and procrastination.

So for a healthy flowing balanced you, collaborate and flow!

Jojo Saparkles xx

What do Mick Hucknall and Chris Tarrant have in common?

I have always been curious why some stars last longer in the limelight than others. Now looking at the media world and the stars that are still around. 
For those of you in the UK you will know Chris Tarrant and also Mick Hucknall. Both love to perform and love the stage and the limelight, however stars do need to recharge their batteries and connect back to mother earth for the energy to flow for longer. Both of them have a deep love of fishing, which gives them time to reconnect with their energies, connect with the earth and keep their fire burning longer!

Todays lesson!
Connect with nature to shine brighter and for longer!

To healthy balanced stars in flow!

Jojosparkles xx

Stars in hiding?

Im curious, there are so many star profiles out there with talents i would love to connect with yet there is no phone number. So why is it that so many stars hide behind the computer when naturally they love to talk.

there is one thing being elusive and another making it hard to contact! Hey stars in order to shine and flow stronger, please add your phone number to email signature, you do have a signature at the bottom of your email dont you? add number to facebook, or even have a website with easy contact access!!!
There ends todays lesson!

Loving all stars , shrunken and over shining!

Jo xx

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Winter Wonderland...

I know you are wondering, if its time to play!
In London the snow is out and sparkling! The snowflakes are pretty and shining their light on the new world. How exciting!
Hilary is off to New Zealand today on an adventure of a lifetime. Hilary me "Lord" will be missed as she is a whizz on the IT and is a loyal friend. Good luck. New Zealand i trust you will enjoy the lord!

For those who are wondering what is a Lord and why would you want a lord in your life. Check out wealth dynamics profiling and discover who you are and the magic you have to offer & enjoy in the world:

Love and shining!

Jo xx

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Does Wealth make you Happy?

The definition of wealth varies so much. So many people see wealth as the cash, money in their pocket, yet it is so much more, as Lynne McTaggard Author of Living the Field discovered:

Dr. Richard Tunney, a psychologist at the University of Nottingham, in Great Britain, carried out a study for the UK’s National Lottery examining levels of happiness and overall satisfaction with life among those who’d won the lottery, compared with a sampling of non-winners across the nation.

Approximately 1800 people participated in the survey, which examined how satisfied they were with their lives and achievements and also the kinds of relationships they had with friends, including when they met, how often they speak, which activities they participate in together and the number of new friends they made in the last two years.

Tunney discovered that achievements and even money mattered a good deal less than friendship. Those with five friends or fewer had a 40% per cent chance of being happy, irrespective of their economic status or of whether they had won the lottery. Those with five close friends had a 50% chance of being happy, but by far the happiest were those with at least 10 friends, who had about a 55% of being happy and satisfied with their lot in life.

Furthermore, those people who counted themselves as ‘extremely satisfied’ with their lives had twice as many friends as those who were ‘extremely dissatisfied’ with their lives.

The critical mass of friends required to ensure happiness appeared to be 10; adding on more friends didn’t significantly increase the participants’ levels of happiness.

Furthermore, those who were happiest of all were part of a small close-knit social circle that had existed for a long time.

So how much wealth do you have in your life?

Energising Wealth Weekend: 17-18th January 2009, London

See you there!