Sunday, 5 July 2009

Fast Change...Yes, Please!

I spoke to a lady this morning who had 40 years of being told she was stupid.
She had chosen to believe this story.
So is it possible to change this belief and how quickly?

Well, it doesn't matter how long you have been playing out a pattern of behaviour as the unconscious mind doesn't differentiate with how long it has had a specific instruction. All it knows is the instruction given to it and to carry it out.
Huh, so if you have been told and chosen to believe you are stupid yesterday, or 40 years ago it would be just as easy to change? Yes.

With various techniques that i use it is that easy. You assess the computer of the unconscious mind and change the programme from i believe im stupid to im good at what i do. Or what ever new programme you chose to run.
20 minutes programme changed!

It can be challenging for people sometimes to believe a pattern of behaviour or belief that has been causing them so much pain and grief for years can be changed that easily.

I recently had a client arrive at my house to help change his eating habits. When he arrived he saw my dog and at that point could not enter the house as he had a fear of dogs, a dog phobia.
So, i put the dog in the kitchen and closed the door. He came in, i worked my magic with him and 15 minutes later the dog came out of the kitchen and he was relaxed and calm with the dog. Dog Phobia gone for good! I recently received an email from him telling me he was fencing his garden as he was buying a dog for his kids!
Now, he'd, had this phobia for 35 years, since he was bitten by a dog when he was 7 years old.

It doesnt really matter whether its a dog phobia, or other phobias, beliefs, behaviours they are easy and fast to change.

So, to clear unwanted habits and behaviours contact me through the website:
or email:

Happy Living :-) xx

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