Monday, 9 February 2009

Star Burnout!

So many stars suffer from burn out. When you look at high profile stars in the media such as Britney Spears is can be with horrendous consequences for the star and family and friends around.
I have also experienced burn out myself many times. Hence i am now an expert in experiencing it, recovery and changes for now and the future!

So what is burn out?
As a star you will probably know it as when you just dont want to go out any more, you feel exhausted and drained. Even the things and people you love to spend time with and of course talking "to" as stars do, you just cant be bothered, you just dont have the energy for. You feel your fire and your light has gone out. Well this is exactly what has happened.

When you look at the energetics of the body, as a star we have high fire energy. When a fire burns brightly it glows and everyone is attracted and drawn to it. Unfortunatley eventually if you do not recharge your batteries, your internal fire appropriately then burn out can be the consequence.
I now head the warning signs: friends say: "are you ok, you seem to have lost your sparkles," the shine in my cheeks looks dull, my breathing shallows as i struggle for air to restoke the fire, my passion for my passions, or my wood for my fire feels just too much like hardwork.

So how do you reshine once again?

Walks in nature, nurturing good healthy light wholesome food, sleep, breathing excercises, let others support you and take a load off your back by doing the work out of your profile.
For being out of profile is a sure fireway! to burn out and procrastination.

So for a healthy flowing balanced you, collaborate and flow!

Jojo Saparkles xx

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