Monday, 15 February 2010

Quack, quack....


Recently a client of mine who had the fortunate guidance to go to South America emailed me:

"Jo, i keep seeing duck, what does it mean?"

As always, i looked duck up in the wonderful book "Animal Spirit Guides" by Steven Farmer

"This is a time of fertility, either literally or metaphorically.
It is time to have fun and maybe even get a little silly.
The time of turmoil has passed, so now you can release any pent up emotions that have been suppressed.
Do whatever is necessary to find emotional comfort rather than trying to deny your need for this."

As i read this, i also wondered, is this why my friend is obsessed with ducks?
She never had children and is now too old. Was this the body's sign that it wanted to produce?

Yours Curiously.
Jo xxx

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Its the first day of the Chinese New Year, and the New Moon, and Valentines day, the day of LOVE!

We are moving into the year of the Tiger. According to the Chinese, the year of the Tiger represent bravery.

So, ask yourself where in your life could you be brave?

How would being braver in 2010 make a dramatic positive change in your life?
The life of others?
Your community?
And humanity?

With thanks to for this months astrology information:

Well another powerful mid-month New Moon event is on the horizon – the energy building even as you read this message. This is the Valentine's Day Eve New Moon taking place on Sunday morning at 2:51 am (London).

What makes this New Moon so special is that just as it takes place, Chiron joins Neptune in the sky for an exact kiss, only one tenth of a degree separating them, and less than a degree away from the New Moon itself at 25 + of Aquarius.

The Sabian Symbols for these important conjunctions, "A hydrometer" and "An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets," speak to the eternal flowering of cosmic consciousness in the heart and in the mind of humankind.

Neptune with Chiron speaks to the numinous healing capacity we all have hidden away deep inside us, which expands to become infinitely potent when we face our inner world with courage no matter what we might there discover, and also to the hesitation which holds us back from taking full advantage of our spiritual wisdom that is only a gesture away.

We do have to make the gesture however. So this is a very exceptional Valentine's Day weekend, made even more special by the conjunction of Venus with Jupiter in soft-spoken Pisces, just as Venus also makes an inconjunct aspect to a nearly stationary Mars, still retrograde right now, or more inward-directed.

Happy Days!

Love Jo xxx